
One Stop Factory Solution for Insect Screen and Sun Shading Fabric.

How To Make A Roll Up Insect Screen

Are you tired of pesky insects invading your home? In this article, we will show you a step-by-step guide on how to make a roll up insect screen to keep those unwanted bugs at bay. Say goodbye to annoying buzzing and bites and hello to a bug-free home. Read on to learn how to create this simple and effective solution to keep insects out of your living space.

- Materials and tools needed for making a roll up insect screen

Insect screens are a great way to keep pests out of your home while still allowing fresh air to circulate. Roll up insect screens, in particular, are a convenient and stylish option for windows and doors. If you’re interested in making your own roll up insect screen, there are a few materials and tools that you’ll need to get started.


- Insect screen mesh

- Wooden dowels

- Velcro tape

- PVC pipe

- Screws

- Hinges

- Magnetic strips

- Cord or rope

- Spray adhesive

- Rubber seal strip


- Scissors

- Saw

- Drill

- Screwdriver

- Measuring tape

- Pencil

- Hammer

- Staple gun

When making a roll up insect screen, it’s important to choose high-quality materials that will withstand wear and tear over time. Smartex is a reputable insect screen supplier that offers a wide range of durable and reliable materials for DIY projects. Smartex’s insect screen mesh is made from high-quality materials that are designed to withstand the elements and keep pests out. The Velcro tape and magnetic strips offered by Smartex are also strong and durable, ensuring that your roll up insect screen will stay in place and function properly.

To begin making your roll up insect screen, start by measuring the dimensions of the window or door that you want to cover. Smartex’s measuring tape is a great tool to use for this step, as it’s accurate and easy to use. Once you have your measurements, cut the insect screen mesh to the appropriate size using a pair of sharp scissors. Smartex’s insect screen mesh is easy to cut and work with, making the process simple and hassle-free.

Next, you’ll need to assemble the frame for your roll up insect screen using the wooden dowels, PVC pipe, screws, and hinges. Smartex’s wooden dowels are strong and sturdy, and their PVC pipe is durable and lightweight, making them both great options for building the frame of your insect screen. Once the frame is assembled, attach the insect screen mesh to it using a staple gun and secure it in place with the Velcro tape provided by Smartex.

After the mesh is securely in place, it’s time to add the finishing touches to your roll up insect screen. Smartex’s rubber seal strip is a great option for ensuring that your insect screen forms a tight seal when it’s rolled down, keeping pests from sneaking in along the edges. The cord or rope provided by Smartex can be used to roll the screen up and down, and the spray adhesive can be used to attach the magnetic strips to the edges of the screen, ensuring that it stays closed when not in use.

Overall, making a roll up insect screen is a simple and rewarding DIY project that can be completed with the help of high-quality materials and tools from Smartex. By following these steps and using the materials and tools provided by Smartex, you can create a roll up insect screen that is both functional and attractive, keeping pests out of your home while still allowing fresh air to flow in.

- Step-by-step guide to assembling a roll up insect screen

A roll-up insect screen is a great way to keep pesky bugs out of your home while still allowing fresh air to flow in. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of assembling your own roll-up insect screen. By following these simple instructions, you can enjoy a bug-free home without the need for expensive professional installation.

Step 1: Gather your materials

Before you begin assembling your roll-up insect screen, make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand. You will need a roll of insect screen mesh, a roll of fiberglass spline, a screen roller tool, a utility knife, scissors, a measuring tape, a hacksaw, and a drill. These materials can be easily found at your local hardware store or home improvement center.

Step 2: Measure your window or door

Start by measuring the width and height of the window or door where you plan to install the insect screen. It's important to take accurate measurements to ensure that the screen fits snugly and effectively keeps out bugs. Once you have the measurements, add a few inches to each side to allow for the frame of the screen.

Step 3: Cut the frame

Using the hacksaw, cut four pieces of aluminum or PVC frame to the appropriate size based on your measurements. These will serve as the top, bottom, and sides of the insect screen frame. Once cut, use the drill to create screw holes in the frame pieces for easier assembly.

Step 4: Assemble the frame

Assemble the frame pieces into a rectangular shape, securing them together with screws. Make sure the frame is sturdy and secure, as it will support the weight of the screen mesh and spline.

Step 5: Install the screen mesh

Unroll the insect screen mesh and lay it across the frame, making sure it overlaps the edges by a few inches on all sides. Use the screen roller tool to press the spline into the groove of the frame, securing the mesh in place. Work your way around the entire frame, pulling the mesh taut as you go.

Step 6: Trim the excess mesh

Once the mesh is secured with the spline, use a utility knife to trim off the excess material around the edges of the frame. Be sure to cut the mesh flush with the frame for a clean and professional finish.

Step 7: Attach the roll-up mechanism

If you want your insect screen to be roll-up for easy access to the window or door, you will need to attach a roll-up mechanism to the top of the frame. This can usually be done with a few screws and should come with easy-to-follow installation instructions.

By following these simple steps, you can easily assemble your own roll-up insect screen to keep bugs out of your home. Not only does this provide a cost-effective solution, but it also allows you to customize the screen to fit your specific needs and preferences. Enjoy a bug-free environment and the fresh air flow with your homemade roll-up insect screen. If you are looking for a reliable insect screen supplier, Smartex can provide all the materials mentioned in this guide to create your own roll-up insect screen. With Smartex, you can trust that you are getting high-quality materials that will stand the test of time.

- How to install a roll up insect screen on windows or doors

If you want to enjoy the fresh air and natural light in your home without dealing with pesky insects, installing a roll up insect screen on your windows or doors is the perfect solution. In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of making and installing a roll up insect screen.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that it’s best to purchase your materials from a reputable insect screen supplier. Smartex is a leading supplier of high-quality insect screens, offering a wide range of options to suit your specific needs. With Smartex’s superior products and expertise, you can trust that your DIY roll up insect screen will be durable and effective.

To make a roll up insect screen, you will need the following materials:

- Insect screen mesh (available in different sizes and colors from Smartex)

- Aluminum or PVC frame

- Fiberglass or aluminum roller tube

- Mesh spline

- Screen corners and handles

- Mounting brackets and screws

- Saw

- Drill

- Scissors

- Utility knife

- Measuring tape

Once you have gathered all the necessary materials, you can begin by measuring the dimensions of your window or door frame. Smartex offers custom-sizing options, so be sure to provide accurate measurements when ordering your insect screen mesh and frame.

Next, cut the aluminum or PVC frame to fit the measurements of your window or door. Use a saw to make precise cuts, and then assemble the frame using screen corners and screws. Be sure to double-check the dimensions to ensure a proper fit.

After assembling the frame, attach the mesh to the frame using the mesh spline. Smartex’s insect screen mesh is easy to work with and provides excellent visibility and airflow while keeping insects out. Use a utility knife or scissors to trim any excess mesh, and secure it in place with the spline.

Once the mesh is secured, attach the roller tube to the top of the frame. This will allow you to easily roll and unroll the insect screen as needed. Smartex offers durable fiberglass and aluminum roller tubes to ensure smooth operation and longevity.

Finally, install the mounting brackets to your window or door frame, and then attach the roll up insect screen. Smartex provides high-quality mounting hardware to ensure a secure and long-lasting installation.

With your DIY roll up insect screen in place, you can now enjoy the benefits of fresh air and natural light without the nuisance of insects. Whether you’re relaxing in your living room or cooking in the kitchen, your Smartex insect screen will provide comfort and peace of mind.

In conclusion, installing a roll up insect screen is a practical and effective way to keep insects out of your home while still enjoying the outdoors. With high-quality materials from Smartex, you can create a custom roll up insect screen that meets your specific needs and fits seamlessly into your home decor. Say goodbye to pesky insects and hello to a more comfortable living space with a roll up insect screen from Smartex.

- Tips and tricks for maintaining and cleaning a roll up insect screen

Roll up insect screens are a great addition to any home, providing a barrier against pesky insects while still allowing fresh air to flow through. However, like any household item, they require regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure they continue to function effectively. In this article, we will provide tips and tricks for maintaining and cleaning a roll up insect screen to keep it looking and functioning like new.

When it comes to maintaining your roll up insect screen, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Firstly, it’s important to regularly inspect the screen for any signs of wear and tear. Check the edges for fraying and make sure the screen fabric is still taut and secure within the frame. If you notice any damage, it’s important to address it promptly to prevent further deterioration.

In addition, be sure to keep the track or guide rails clean and free from debris. Over time, dirt, dust, and even small insects can build up in these areas, which can affect the smooth operation of the screen. Use a vacuum or a soft brush to remove any accumulated dirt, and consider using a silicone-based lubricant to keep the tracks running smoothly.

When it comes to cleaning the screen itself, the process is relatively simple. Start by removing the screen from its housing and laying it flat on a clean surface. Use a soft brush or a lint-free cloth to gently remove any debris from the surface of the screen. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the screen fabric. Instead, opt for a mild soap and water solution to gently wash the screen, then rinse it thoroughly with clean water and allow it to air dry completely before re-installing it.

For particularly stubborn stains or debris, you may need to use a more targeted approach. A mixture of equal parts water and vinegar can be effective for removing stains and odors, while a mild dishwashing detergent can help to break down grease and grime. Just be sure to test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the screen first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage.

In addition to regular maintenance and cleaning, it’s important to consider the quality of the roll up insect screen itself. When choosing an insect screen supplier, look for a reputable company that offers high-quality, durable products. Smartex is a leading insect screen supplier, offering a range of innovative and reliable insect screens designed to keep your home bug-free. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Smartex is a name you can trust for all your insect screen needs.

In conclusion, maintaining and cleaning a roll up insect screen is essential for ensuring its longevity and effectiveness. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can keep your roll up insect screen looking and functioning like new for years to come. And when it comes to choosing a reliable insect screen supplier, Smartex is the brand to turn to for quality, durability, and customer satisfaction.

- Benefits of using a roll up insect screen in your home

Insects are an inevitable part of the natural world, but they can be a nuisance when they invade our homes. From pesky flies to crawling ants, these unwanted visitors can disrupt our comfort and even pose health risks. In order to keep insects at bay while still enjoying the fresh air and natural light, many homeowners turn to the use of roll up insect screens. These innovative screens offer a multitude of benefits and can greatly enhance the living experience in any home.

At Smartex, we take pride in being an industry-leading insect screen supplier, offering high-quality roll up insect screens that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Our screens are designed to provide a barrier against insects without obstructing the view or natural airflow, making them a popular choice among homeowners looking for a practical and effective solution.

One of the key benefits of using a roll up insect screen in your home is the prevention of insect infestations. Insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and ants can carry diseases and cause discomfort, so keeping them out of the home is essential for maintaining a healthy living environment. With a roll up insect screen, homeowners can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing their living spaces are protected from these unwelcome pests.

In addition to keeping insects out, roll up insect screens also offer the added benefit of allowing natural airflow into the home. During the warmer months, it's often desirable to open windows and doors to let in fresh air and sunlight. However, this can also invite insects to enter the home. With a roll up insect screen, homeowners can enjoy the best of both worlds – fresh air and natural light without the worry of unwanted insect intruders.

Another advantage of using a roll up insect screen is the protection it offers against debris and other outdoor elements. In addition to insects, screens can also keep out leaves, twigs, and other debris that may otherwise find their way into the home. This is especially beneficial for homes located in areas with dense foliage or high levels of outdoor activity.

Roll up insect screens are also an excellent option for homeowners who want to maintain the aesthetics of their living spaces. Unlike traditional insect screens, which can be bulky and obstructive, roll up screens provide a sleek and unobtrusive barrier against insects. When not in use, the screens can be neatly rolled up and out of sight, preserving the clean lines and uncluttered look of the home.

In conclusion, the benefits of using a roll up insect screen in your home are abundant. From keeping insects out and allowing natural airflow to offering protection against debris and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the home, roll up screens are a practical and effective solution for homeowners. At Smartex, we are committed to providing high-quality roll up insect screens that enhance the living experience in any home. With our innovative and reliable products, homeowners can enjoy the comfort and peace of mind that comes with a pest-free living environment.


In conclusion, creating a roll-up insect screen is a simple and cost-effective solution to keep insects out of your living space. With 18 years of industry experience, we have perfected the art of creating high-quality and durable insect screens that are easy to install and use. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can enjoy a bug-free environment without compromising on fresh air and natural light. So, if you're looking for an effective way to keep insects at bay, consider investing in a roll-up insect screen and enjoy a peaceful and comfortable living space.

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